Rachel Bilson [The O.C., Jumper, Hart of Dixie] joins Anna to talk about heartbreak, motherhood, trusting your intuition, the head rush of being on the O.C., the brand new O.C. podcast, and whether we can hope for an O.C. reunion. Anna also pulls out a few cards from her new game DEALBREAKER’S and asks Rachel what she would or would not accept from a hypothetical romantic partner. Later in the episode Anna and April Beyer talk with a listener who has trouble separating her job persona from her romantic persona and feels like she’s too much of a boss for men to handle.
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Anna Faris: @annafaris
Instagram: @unqualified
Twitter: @unqualified
Facebook: @annafarisisunqualified
Music by: Mondo Cozmo
Executive Producers: Michael Barrett, Rob Holysz, Jeph Porter
Producers: Kasper Selvig
Researcher: Margot Barrett
Distributed by: Acast