Penn Badgley [You, Gossip Girl] talks with Anna about love, heartbreak, the science behind relationships, artistic integrity, and much more.
To hear more of Penn, check out his podcast Podcrushed!
Gioia, today’s first caller, questions if she should give up on a friendship with someone who continually lets her down.
Next, Anna and Penn talk with Shaneen who, after breaking a little boy’s heart twenty-two years ago on Valentine’s Day, wonders if she’s been cursed.
Would you like Unqualified relationship advice from Anna and her co-hosts? Write to Unqualified at bit.ly/ASKANNA !
Anna Faris: @annafaris
Instagram: @unqualified
Twitter: @unqualified
Facebook: @annafarisisunqualified
Music by: Mondo Cozmo
Executive Producers: Michael Barrett, Rob Holysz, Jeph Porter
Producers: Kasper Selvig
Researcher: Margot Barrett
Distributed by: Acast