Cameron Monaghan [Shameless, Gotham, Shattered] talks with Anna about traveling, young love, the benefits of heartbreak, entitlement, what to look for in a partner, uncomfortable silences, life lessons from Morgan Freeman and much more!
Today’s Unqualified segment begins a call from Julia who wonders if her fear of asserting her own opinions will eventually lead to losing her sense of self.
Next is a conversation with Jonathan who still has feelings for his ex but recognizes that trying to remain friends is confusing and often painful.
Anna Faris: @annafaris
Instagram: @unqualified
Twitter: @unqualified
Facebook: @annafarisisunqualified
Music by: Mondo Cozmo
Executive Producers: Michael Barrett, Rob Holysz, Jeph Porter
Producers: Kasper Selvig
Researcher: Margot Barrett
Distributed by: Acast