Actress, author, businesswoman and wellness advocate Brooke Burke joins Anna as her co-host for this episode. After talking about previous relationships, Brooke’s recent engagement, and Anna’s recent marriage, it’s time for some Unqualified advice. Their first call is with a listener trying to mend the relationship between her stepfather and her half-siblings. Next, they talk with a young woman whose jealous colleague has created a decidedly unpleasant work environment. At the end of the episode, Brooke tells Anna about her new fitness app and shares some wellness advice that sounds so easy we’re actually going to try it.
If you want to work out with Brooke, she’s offering all Unqualified listeners 1 month free with code BBBUnqualified30 at brookeburkebody.com.
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Anna Faris: @annafaris
Instagram: @unqualified
Twitter: @unqualified
Facebook: @annafarisisunqualified
Music by: Mondo Cozmo
Executive Producers: Michael Barrett, Rob Holysz, Jeph Porter
Producers: Kasper Selvig
Researcher: Margot Barrett
Distributed by: Acast