Alison Brie
Alison Brie [Community, Glow, Mad Men] returns to Unqualified! Alison talks with Anna about women in Hollywood, good and bad relationships, hooking up with her husband (Dave Franco), her first movie, her new movie Somebody I Used to Know and a lot more.
Somebody I Used to Know is available for streaming now on Prime Video.
Today’s caller is Matthew, who, after his first serious relationship, is struggling to find his place in the dating scene.
Anna Faris: @annafaris
Instagram: @unqualified
Twitter: @unqualified
Facebook: @annafarisisunqualified
Music by: Mondo Cozmo
Executive Producers: Michael Barrett, Rob Holysz, Jeph Porter
Producers: Kasper Selvig
Researcher: Margot Barrett
Distributed by: Acast